Here is a snapshot of the most recent properties that are on the market in Joondalup
In order from newest to oldest and with all the key stats for you to look over, some offer prices may not be released until finance is approved but we will keep an eye and update as soon as they get published.
“Property prices were still rising, but at a slower pace than seen in 2024. We are seeing a softer market at the moment, which is fairly typical of festive season activity but also reflects the easing of FOMO seen in the latter part of 2024. Our members report buyers are being more discerning and are generally taking more time with their purchasing decisions. However, activity does vary across Perth. Buyers are seeking quality – well-presented homes in sought-after areas are still seeing good numbers at home opens and are selling quickly. Other properties may see less interest and take longer to sell. While conditions still favour sellers, it is important for them to listen to their agent regarding presentation and appropriate pricing for their location and target market. Historically, the time to sell increases over the festive season, however this change also reflects the overall change in buyer sentiment. We may see this decrease slightly as we enter the busy autumn season but are most likely to see days on market ease further over 2025.”
Source: REIWA
National dwelling values were steady in January (-0.03%) with the headline result weighed down by the capital cities, where values fell 0.2%.
Dwelling values across the combined regional areas of Australia rose a further 0.4% in January, reaching new record highs.
Three of the eight capitals recorded a decline in home values in January, with Melbourne recording the sharpest decline (-0.6%), followed by the ACT (-0.5%) and Sydney (-0.4%). Hobart home values were steady in January.
Brisbane and Perth have continued to record growth in home values, but there has been a clear and steady loss of momentum in these markets, especially in the detached housing sector where value growth has eased more noticeably.
“Perth is now recording a slower rate of growth than Brisbane and Adelaide over the rolling quarter,” said CoreLogic’s research director, Tim Lawless. “In the June quarter of 2024, growth in Perth home values was 7.1%, easing back to just 1.0% growth in the three months to January.”
Adelaide has shown a more resilient trend, although the pace of gains is slowing, value growth has led the capitals over the past six months with a 4.8% gain.
Source: Core Logic
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To schedule a no pressure real estate property valuation, simply call Peter on 0466 541 301 or drop us a message here with your preferred availability.